The Way2Go Tetrad
The Way2Go tetrad is a series of four events that covers the six metaphor empowerment activities.
- BreakThru - overcome procrastination, limiting beliefs, limiting decisions and sabotaging behaviours with an optional board break.
- FiredUp - turn your inner fears into unstoppable power and confidence with an optional firewalk.
- In The Flow - turn your hesitation and fear into a real positive energy of self-commitment and power with an optional glass walk and or arrow snap.
- Challenge Commit & Conquer - get total commitment in life, work and relationships. Optional activity of metal rebar bend and or brick break.
Completing all four workshops with insightful personal development content anchored by these unique activities gives you the Way2Go tetrad thus demonstrating your mastery over yourself and your destiny.

BreakThru - A 1 inch board break with your bare hands. This really helps to overcome procrastination, limiting beliefs, limiting decisions and sabotaging behaviours.

Get Fired Up
A fire-walk is the practice of walking over hot embers of hot coals with your bare feet.
Fire represents a passing of the old and a rebirth of the new. Used for overcoming your limiting beliefs about what it is that you are capable of doing or not doing.

In The Flow
An arrow snap with your neck and or glass walk with your bare feet turning your hesitation and fear into a real positive energy of self-commitment, power, focus, concentration and paying attention.

Challenge Commit & Conquer
An iron bar bend and or brick break representing that total commitment in life, work and relationships is required. There is no such thing as 50:50, commitment in anything you do. You are either 100% committed or not at all.
Next Steps...
Get in touch and lets arrange to chat through your outcomes to see how we can best deliver a memorable and outstanding session...