Do you want a team who works, support and operate at PEAK PERFORMANCE?
Would you like your team to respond positively to challenges, resistance and change?
Would you invest in the development of your team to improve individual and team performance?
Get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Extreme seminar formats such as these are quickly changing the consciousness of corporate companies. Many of the world’s most forward-thinking companies such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, AT&T, American Express and Coca Cola regularly use firewalk seminars to motivate and inspire their employee base as well as middle and upper management, thus creating a more productive work environment for all.
The purpose of these unique and innovative seminars is to create an environment that will push your team beyond their present limits and help them break though mental barriers that may be holding them back from their true potential. These programmes are designed to create lasting impact through team bonding, mutual support and increased focus. All these attributes contribute to a stronger bottom line.
Seminars can be as little as two hours to full day seminar and can be integrated into multi day corporate events providing various team building, content and break activities.

A Board break is shattering through a one-inch pine wooden board with your bare-hands unharmed.
The board break event is one of the most fun and entertaining events you can experience personally or as a team. It really helps to overcome procrastination, limiting beliefs, limiting decisions and sabotaging behaviours.
It’s great for it’s supportive nature and high energy generated by everyone involved.

Get FiredUp
A fire-walk is the practice of walking over hot embers of hot coals measuring anything from 500 – 1500 degrees Fahrenheit with your bare feet unharmed.
It is usually used for opening or closing events and corporate seminars.
This is truly a transformational event for turning your inner fears into unstoppable power and confidence.
Used for overcoming your limiting beliefs about what it is that you are capable of doing or not doing. It’s an event that will shatter your limiting views about yourself and allow you to explore your limitless horizons. It will compel you to truly reach out and experience what life has truly got in store for you and your team. It is the one event that most definitely must be experienced in this life-time!

In The Flow
This is an amazing activity that also involves using the soft section of your throat. You place the point of a 27inch long wooden hunting arrow on your neck and through the power of your internal focus and state of mind you bend and snap right through the shaft of the arrow.
This is a proven event for turning your hesitation and fear into a real positive energy of self-commitment and power. The arrow break is for your own individual commitment to yourself. It gives you a sense of focus and alignment.

Challenge, Commit & Conquer
It’s bending a re-bar with the soft part of your throat with a buddy or partner. These are real re-bars that is used to re-enforce concrete and pillars inside a building.
This is a metaphor about total commitment in life, work and relationships. There is no such thing as 50:50, commitment in anything you do. You are either 100% committed or not at all. Anything less than 100% commitment to your buddy or partner whilst doing the event will not bend the bar. It requires a total of 100% commitment from both individuals to achieve the result.
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